ESSER/795 American Rescue Plan:
Safe Return to Learn 2023-2024
Safe Return to Learn 12/31/2023 (New)
Revised ESSER/795 Use of Funds Plan - 12/31/2023
Revised Use of Funds Plan FY24 (New)
Title 1 Parent Involvement:
Username: Pirates
Password: Pirates
Please click on the following links to view Bonds Project proposal plans
Upper Elementary Storm Shelter
Middle School Storm Shelter
Fieldhouse/Track Proposal
Locust Grove Indiviualized Learning program is an online option offered by Locust Grove Public Schools. LGHS students may enroll in full-time online or blended class options! L.G.I.L. students may still participate in all extracurricular activities! L.G.I.L. is a perfect program for students enrolled in concurrent college classes or career tech programs. Student success is the most imporant aspect of L.G.I.L., student’s schedules will be tailored to meet their individual needs!
For more information, contact Nancy Neff,